The downside or cons of swing trading is that traders can get emotional attached to their trades and expected outcome allowing trades to spiral out of control and turn what should had been a small loss into a large loser.
Position trading which is also known as trend trading is a buy and hold type method where positions can be open for anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks or even a few months or longer. Position traders like to get into a winning positions and build into that positions watching it grow bigger and bigger.
Some traders tell of the position trading style to be the easiest and most profitable. Fitting into any active lifestyles as often traded on the daily time frame it is also the most desirable! One signal period a day makes it very easy to manage and adjust new and open trade orders.
Position traders sometimes do hold onto losing positions too long causing weeks of gains to disappear quickly. Nothing is worse for a trader mentally than to turn a big winner into a large loser and this does sometimes happen to trend position traders.
Once you find out what time frame is best for you it will be easier for you to settle in and get to know that time frame and then you will be able to create a trading plan based around that. The more experience you have getting to know a market the better you will be able to trade it.